Page inscription compétiteur EN

Les champs marqués d'une étoile sont obligatoires / Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory

Your personal data

Note: To simplify registration, gender "non binary" includes persons who do not strictly identify as man or woman (ex: non binary, neutral, genderfluid...).

Your registration

You can register in one or several of the 8 following categories :

Men's Latin
Men's Ballroom
Women's Latin
Women's Ballroom
Equality Open Latin
Equality Open Ballroom
Show Dance

For each category, please indicate your partner's name and your estimated level according this definition :

[D] Limited or no experience
[C] Average experience
[B] Regular attendances to competitions, good level.
[A] Regular attendances to competitions, very good level.

Men's Latin :

Men's Ballroom :

Women's Latin :

Women's Ballroom :

Equality Open Latin:

Equality Open Ballroom:

Show Dance:

Payment information

Checks should be labelled in euros with a French bank as a drawee. Cash payment (on-site) is possible for non-French residents only.

Online payment is achieved by following this link.


If you'd like to be hosted, please fill in this section.

Rules and confidentiality

  • I authorize the organizing committee of the Rendez-Vous de Paris to use any video and/or photograph taken during the competition, and where I am pictured, for the purpose of illustration and/or promotion of competition.
  • I authorize the organizing committee of the Rendez-Vous de Paris to publish my first name, last name and country on their website and on the competition program.

The data collected are necessary for registration. They are subject to computer processing and are intended for the secretariat of the association. According to French Law (articles 39 and following of the Act of 6 January 1978), you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain information about you, please contact us by email.